Vitamin Infusion Facial in Borivali, Goregaon & Mumbai

Vitamin Infusion Facial is a minimally invasive procedure where a series of vitamins, minerals and amino acids cocktails are delivered into the skin via micro-injections/channels into the mesodermis. This infusion of savvy ingredients nourishes and rejuvenates the skin while also stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, both essential for skin’s natural elasticity.

Experience the rejuvenating benefits of the Effective Vitamin Infusion Facial at B.A.E Skin Clinic in Borivali, Goregaon & Mumbai, led by Dr. Krupa Modi.

Types Of Vitamin Infusion Facials

This advanced facial treatment infuses essential vitamins into your skin, promoting a radiant and youthful complexion. Designed to address various skin concerns, the procedure enhances hydration, reduces fine lines, and revitalizes your skin’s natural glow.

Another great feature of Vitamin Infusion Facial treatments is that they can be combined and modified with other procedures to tackle specific problems.


You can combine Vitamin Infusion Facial with:

  • Serums that minimize any signs of aging and revitalizes skin with a combination of various peptides.
  • Skin brightening agents to reduce the appearance of dark and sunspots for a better complexion.
  • Hyaluronic acid to boost volume and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


Treatment time takes approximately 45 minutes and whilst not painful, it can be slightly uncomfortable so an aesthetic cream can be used if skin is a little sensitive. With minimal downtime, a little redness may occur but it will settle within 2 hours. Skin becomes instantly radiant, hydrated, nourished and firmer with an improved texture, and also used as a preventative measure in younger patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits?

Vitamin Infusion Facial can instantly improve dull, tired-looking skin and superficial wrinkles but can also help to improve sluggish blood circulation. This treatment can also be used to address acne scarring and be combined to enhance the effects of other aesthetic treatments such as Botox and Fillers.